29th Day: Is it a Dream?

Why New interventions in Freetown? Nowadays Freetown doesn’t stimulate use of the green areas in the middle of the city… these green areas or open spaces are main entrance to arrival of undesirable uses like amount of garbage for example. To stimulate use or own of these areas can increase quantity of spaces for elderly, children and tourists.

Benefits to Christiania’s Community would arrive begin with renovation of urban space done by creativity and communal participation. It also increases Christiania’s Identity know as a City constructed by the collective participation through its own residents. The image of Christiania in permanent movement also has power to increase self esteem of those who lives in here.

All the interventions would not be by the art in itself but to prove that Christiania’s Freetown is living more than ever.

28th Day: Process for implementation

The process of implementation this Exhibitions Spaces in Christiania should take time. The urban renovation without any amount depends of the number of people interested in to be involved in the project. I divided this process in 3 stages. All of them require time to observe how people are interacting with project implementation.

These 3 stages represent 3 areas: 1) The park in front of Loppen; 2) The Entrace of Pusher Street; 3) The Pushers Area. Each area should be occupied in different times in this same sequence. Implementation would happen gradually and after each implementation would be observed the results of it. Successfully in intervention means implementation can goes on. Each area should be prepared before it receives new works of arts.

This process would take time but it’s better way to allow interaction with Community. Some areas should be reallocated to allow this intervention. This reallocation doesn’t require any big effort because it can be done by Christiania. The main effort should get from the Danish Govern the permission to do these improvements. I’m not sure if Danish Govern would deny interventions which concern art implementation to educational purposes…

First Stage: Occupy the green park

Two zones in Pusher Street: with and without hash market

Re-allocate Pushers

27th Day: Pusher Street and New Hash Square

Pusher Street always was the highlight of Christiania. This road is really symbolic to the community because it opens the Freetown to the world around it. Is impossible to think about a New Pusher Street… the way is to think about how we wish our Pusher Street.

Nowadays the Pusher Street is almost gray with its faded colors in most of buildings. The pavement does have some holes and at night it doesn’t have any light. The way should be give to the street the same look that Freetown does have: colored, funny and well maintained.

I’m proposing new painting interventions in buildings and in pavements. I also suggest some green way between the buildings. These green ways could support arts like sculptures and some funny lighting. Pusher Street could work like a small boulevard where people could walk through sculptures and colored arts.

Nowadays the Pushers are sited spread out in middle of Street and keep the buildings hide behind their stands and signs. Also I suggest offer the Pushers their own place and this way we could reveal the architecture of the Pusher Street. Pushers can be very well sited in the square near of the Nemoland. They already use this area and it could be called Pusher Square. This is a way to stimulate the maintenance of their own place instead of seize the public space of main street. Stands of Pushers could be constructed by themselves or even be proposed by artists.

Open Pusher Street is a way to invite people to visit Christiania. Also it would encourage the maintenance of Street by the ones who use it. This encouragement would return us with the color and the pleasure in walk through this historical street.

Pusher Street (Today)
Pusher Street Art Boulevard

Hash Market (Today)

New Pusher Square

26th Day: Old Park + New Exhibition Space

The park in front of the Loppen can be the start point for implementation of New Exhibition Space. This park is very well sited near of main entrance. This space could works as a bigger green area to collect most of new art works. What we should do is just reallocate the garbage area and clean the area allowing new grass. Nowadays this area is completely empty.

At the first step, I propose new little pavilions where can be exhibited boards and pictures about Christiania’s history. Design of new pavilions could be proposed by artists and/or students of architecture. They could be constructed in groups of some few people oriented by some tutor or carpenter. The construction would start in Christiania’s workshops and would be easily assembled in place.

These news places could be constructed with recycled material and would be spread at park together with trees. Also interventions in trees would be allowed. The Skate Indoor would continue in the same place but working integrated with this new park. This New Exhibition Space would have same characterization with Christiania’s architecture once time it would be build in local and would have a design done in the human scale.

Park Today

New Exhibition Park

Park behind of Skate Indoor (Today)

Park behind of Skate Indoor with new interventions