30th Day: Last considerations

Some considerations need to be done before close the 30th day of residence:

Why to write a Blog about the Residence Program? First of all should be document the research process and show how ideas have been constructed. The process of research and project needed to be recaptured and revised every single day due arrival of new information. This blog worked like a sketch or notepad where I could think and rethink this information.

I tried to interpret Christiania as a visitor than someone who already knows Christiania, as for example, a resident but I’m sure that using this method should be possible miss some important information. My focus concerned about of how we see Christiania’s today instead of yesterday. I’m sure that most important was done: Critics, comments and increase of discussion about Christiania urban space, history and culture.

About the project, I could have touched in many other popular points. Christiania has many layers as any other city in the world but I decided to touch in this questions because I hope to contribute with the Christiania´s future. Ideas in here maybe can represent a mix of bit of dreams of many residents in Christiania. I tried to gather information, desires and critics from the people whom live Christiania day by day. This way I could collect different views from Christianities and so project something for their own joy and prosperity.

This project deserves to be presented to the whole Christiania’s Community. It’s ready to be implemented but also needs the cooperation of every single person in the city. More than ever Christiania needs to involve the whole community to work together in the same direction.

This Residence program came true due support of many people. I would like thanks to God, parents and some special friends that have been with me till here.